Annual Tuition
Partner Site Undergraduate Tuition (per year) ………………………….. $339/credit hour ($8,136/year)
Site Fee | Journey Church | Winter Park, Florida ………………………… $1,865/semester ($3,730.00/year)
Technology Fee (Per Year) ……………………… $350.00
Total (Projected)……………………. $12,216.00
The numbers provided above can be used for your calculations and are before financial aid is applied. If you have questions regarding this information, or want more details about financial aid options, please visit this page, contact your SEU enrollment counselor or SEU Office of Student Financial Services at sfs@seu.edu or 800.500.8760.
*Tuition covers the cost of your classes only; books and fees are additional. Tuition is charged at a rate of $339 per credit hour. Total tuition listed is based on 15 credits per semester (for 2 semesters) with the practicum scholarship applied.
All students are required to obtain financial clearance before they can be guaranteed their class registration for the upcoming semester. Additional fees may apply to students who do not obtain financial clearance by the designated date each semester. Learn more about Financial Clearance. The Financial Clearance process is one of the components of Fire Ready, which is the clearance process that needs to be completed prior to the start of classes each semester. See what else you need to be Fire Ready here.